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Throughout Europe products of Jewish culture — or what is perceived as such — have become viable components of the popular public domain. The focal point of this article is the usage of heritage in former Jewish areas. The aim is to understand in which ways and to what extent Jewish heritage is used for tourism purposes. A comparison between Krakow and Vilnius underlines what this difference in usage depends on, in the context of increasingly popular cultural and heritage tourism.

In order to understand how Jewish-themed tourism has developed an inventory of Jewish heritage and Jewish-themed events in the two cities is made, showing that Jewish heritage is mainly used for economic development through tourism as well as commemoration in Krakow, whereas in Vilnius, it is used for commemoration and for the needs of the local Jewish community.

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Should I stay or should I go now? If I go, there will be trouble And if I stay it will be double. It was truly an inspiring and, at times, sobering experience. The Jews in France are anxious! They are unsure of their future in the country. Others are contemplating. The majority will stay. But, the Jewish community in France is slowly shrinking while the Muslim community is already 10 times larger and growing rapidly. Anti-Semitism is all around and the Jewish community is scared.

And recent events continue to exasperate the feelings in the community.

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