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Matchmaking @HealthValley Event 2020

During this Thursday afternoon get-together, campus residents get the chance to meet each other informally outside the offices. We are looking back on two weeks of successful Kadans Summer Lunches! Unfortunately, due to the current circumstances it was not possible to celebrate the Kadans Summer Event this year as we have done.

We are looking back at another successful Kadans Connected webinar in collaboration with Hezelburcht on how to successfully apply for funding. You are invited to watch the replay in order to learn all about.

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Contents: Lieke en Richard Lamb. In research by the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad based on the police’s statistical data on crime rates , Eindhoven was found to have the highest crime rate in the Netherlands for , , , and In , Eindhoven has slipped down the list to number six. In , in the Eindhoven agglomeration, the following numbers of crimes were recorded: Eindhoven has grown from a little town in to one of the biggest cities in the Netherlands with around , inhabitants in After the resurrection of the Netherlands in and the end of the Belgian Revolution , Eindhoven was a small village of some people in an economically backward and mostly agricultural area.

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Cheap land, cheap labor and the existence of pre-industrial homesourcing huisnijverheid in Dutch made Eindhoven an attractive area for the developing industries which were being stimulated by the government of King William I. During the 19th century, Eindhoven grew into an industrial town with factories for textile weaving , cigar manufacturing, match making and hat making.

Most of these industries disappeared again after World War II , though.

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