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Kundali Matching by Name and DOB | Salavali | Jathagam Porutham For Marriage

Vedic Astrology deals in depth with the subject of Horoscope compatibility between Bride and Bride Groom for the purpose of Marriage. Horoscope matching is the first step in a marriage. A good Horoscope match is considered the promise of a long and happy prosperous married life.

For example, if the girl’s Moon is in Aries and in the Nakshatra Krittika 1st quarter and the Please note that this Guna matching is not the only thing for astrological martial unions are often ensured by Vasya Koota in marriage match making.

Some believe that the feelings two people have for each other determine their compatibility in a relationship. But there are others who recourse to astrology for guidance on moon sign compatibility. Does your moon sign really make you compatible or incompatible with someone? What makes a compatible couple? What is the true determinant of compatibility between two people? Is it the mutual trust and understanding or is it something else?

Life is not simple and living is not science. So, pseudosciences like astrology is what some of us get interested in, to know about our future lives, relationships, and other things. It is true that compatibility determines the success of a relationship; but what governs this compatibility? The success of a relationship depends largely on what the two people feel for each other and the efforts they take to build and strengthen their bond.

But, there is something governing those feelings; there is something ruling the willingness of an individual to take those efforts; and it could be astrological sign compatibility. Would you like to write for us?

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