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True Love Dates

On Valentine’s Day, some singles may be inspired to step up their dating game. Going online could be their best bet. Amy Giberson, now 34, was reluctant to try internet dating again but she decided to give it one more shot in She downloaded the Match app and connected with Justin Pounders, also 34, almost immediately.

Current online dating statistics, industry facts and history. According to a study your online profile stands the best chance of attracting people if you appear more humble and real (revealing some flaws, either in your profile or photos). There are 91 million people around the world using dating apps. 61 million (2 out of 3 people) of.

Numerous studies have linked social support to positive mental health. Additional studies have cited the negative emotional impact of loneliness. Research has further revealed people with fewer social relationships die earlier on average than those with more social relationships. Yet with the rise of social media, there are concerns many people appear to be substituting virtual, online connections for real-life, social relationships.

There is no question the Internet is an enormously popular, convenient and immediately gratifying way to connect with others. Social media sites such as Facebook cite nearly one billion users worldwide. It certainly offers us an instant audience and attention. It allows us the luxury of easily keeping in touch. It can help combat feelings of loneliness. It allows us to keep tangible markers of times and places, archived for us, and available for all to see. There is no question the Internet has offered many a convenient way to locate, reconnect and rekindle relationships that otherwise may have been lost.

And there is concern that individuals might forego their real-life interactions in order to maintain online communication. Should we be concerned about a trend toward developing online network connections instead of nurturing face-to-face relationships?

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