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Love the One You’re With? (…And Other Questions in Relationship OCD)

That’s a lot of people. I have certain characteristics that make my disorder pretty obvious to those around me, as well as a host of others I mask for my own self-preservation. Having relationships while simultaneously dealing with OCD can be a challenge. I can’t always explain why I do the things I do and that can make communication hard.

Slam poet neil hilborn’s viral verse covers dating is an anxiety disorder – a person with ocd gets thrown around way to be a great. Kissing, i am a person, like this.

These articles are about special topics related to OCD and related disorders. For more general information, please visit our “About OCD” section. He was smart, good-looking, had a good job, and they felt great together. After a year of dating he started pressing her to commit. Do I love him enough? Is he the love of my life or am I making the biggest mistake of my life?

Maybe he is not the ONE. He loves his wife dearly and he believes she is great for him and an excellent mother. He also thinks his wife, an IT consultant, is very intelligent. Every day, however, he feels distressed and angry. Although he claims that he is sure that his wife is intelligent and interesting, the thought that she is actually neither of those things pops up again and again.

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