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Politics is now a dating deal-breaker, according to new research

I am well aware that the biological clock is ticking, my mother and aunties remind me of that more frequently than I can count, but I would rather take time to make informed and mature decisions and dodge a bullet, than rush into divorce. I therefore think that as we start the New Year this is a subject to talk about because dating and relationships carry a heavy percentage of our personal development and general well being.

It may seem minor but the weight of this topic in your life will affect your attitude as well as opinions, self esteem and how you feel about the entire year.

If you pay attention to dating deal breakers and walk away when it’s necessary, you will have an easier path to success in a relationship.

Dating is hard. There are no ifs, buts or maybes about it. While the individual lists varied, each person agreed by-and-large that there was no return after committing any of the deal-breakers listed below. An immediate red flag that everyone in the group agreed upon, was that of being rude to staff during the date getting overly vexed by slow service falls under this heading too.

I was so close to throwing my red wine on him, except I knew I needed it to numb the pain of tolerating his presence for the rest of the meal. It’s nice to be nice. Why, oh why do people think it appropriate to talk about an ex on a first date? Not only does it make the other person feel awkward and uncomfortable, but it gives off the impression that you have not moved on. Scrolling through your phone shows that not only do you have very little interest in your date, but that you have very few manners, too.

The ideal first date should feature excited nerves and pleasure the pleasure of getting to know someone new, and the pleasure of enjoying the entire experience as you do so. It immediately makes them seem so boring and unadventurous. In the space of 1. Give your thumb a rest and put the phone down. Dates can be nerve-wracking, and often people might need a bit of Dutch Courage to calm them down before meeting the potential love of their life.

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