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Platonic love has been the subject of countless books and poems. Today, the terms platonic love and platonic relationship have come to mean a relationship between individuals, marked by the absence of physical romance or sex . A society like ours can look at platonic love with suspicion, but what needs to be understood is that platonic love is the transformation of sexual desire into other types of love.

While casually dating a new guy or girl is a heart-pounding, butterfly-fluttering time, it isn’t the same as long-term love. Even though staying in the initial electrical.

Platonic Friendships and Platonic Relationships are on the rise these days, and gaining popularity as another distinct type of Dating Relationship. So what exactly is Platonic Dating , what are its benefits and advantages, and how do you make a Platonic Friendship work? They give good, honest advice 5. One or both of you are happily in a romantic relationship with someone else 9.

You promised to grow old together — in more than one way. Deal with and do your best to overcome if you start to feel physically attracted to your platonic friend. Many people still take the outdated view that pure friendship between a guy and a lady is impossible. Ignore such people.

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