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Strike Vector (Steam Gift Region Free / ROW)

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Strike Vector is a Brutal aerial FPS that will see you test your skills online against other players in the tradition of Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament. The game offers an hardcore learning curve for those who don´t fear to die a lot at first but who will get a massive rewarding feeling when they will master the game and dominate the battlefield.
all New Features Will Be Free
Ragequit Corporation will offer free downloadable content after the game release. We want to make sure that every person playing Strike Vector have access to the same content regardless of when they will get the game.
With a distinct old school feel, reminiscent to games such as Crimson Skies, Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament, Strike Vector will let you test your reflexes and skills against your friends. Team flight and mutual assistance is required to fulfill your missions but individual aiming and piloting skills are also mandatory.
two Movement Modes
You fly the Vector, the lastest hyper-speed VTOL, highly customizable and manoeuvrable Jet fighter. Your enhanced version can instantly switch between 2 movement modes :
Jet Mode: reach high-speed, intercept opponents and fast evade incoming projectiles.
Stationary Mode: strafe in all directions with increased precision, hold and defend key locations.

This unique gameplay allow you to fight face to face with your enemies like classical FPS, or playing dog fighting.
game Modes
Targets to reach, positions to defend, enemy structures to destroy … Players may select among famous game modes such as deathmatch, team domination, team deathmatch, and Bounty Hunter! More game modes are coming soon!
build Your Own vector
Equip your Vector in your own style with two differents weapons to get the edge on various situations or be a specialist by choosing the same weapon for each side of the craft. Hundreds of combinations are available, making your ship the only kind of his genre on the battlefield.
Depending on your weapons and perks choice, your playstyle will be different from another player, you create your own class :

Fast and stealthy to capture positions and hide in massive structure to surprise your enemies.

Heavy and powerful to defend strategic points or assault enemies defenses.

Customize your ship appearance among various type of skin decorations and put a gadget in your cockpit to make you feel like you are at home. A mach 3 home!
varied Environments
You will play through gigantic flying structure like aerial oil platforms, slums, cities, factories, abandonned stations and much more and find many destructible objects like giant cargos or pressure vessels and use them to trap players in deadly explosions, block or open passages and fulfill your mission objectives.Use your environment to avoid and escape homing missiles by adopting a risky flying style. Play the way you want with various game mode adapted for a 360° warfare
Eliminate every players in classic deathmatch, support your team in domination or the greedier and more...

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Инструкция по активации гифта STEAM:

1. Необходимо скачать и установить Steam http://steampowered.com/about (если еще не установлен)
2. Зарегистрировать новый аккаунт в Steam или зайти в существующий.
3. Полученную после покупки ссылку, необходимо скопировать и вставить в ваш интернет браузер, авторизоваться под своей учётной записью Steam и принять подарок себе в БИБЛИОТЕКУ или добавить в ИНВЕНТАРЬ.
4. После активации игра появится в списке игр и вы сможете скачать ее со steam.
5. Процесс установки (скачивания) занимает около 15-45 минут (в зависимости от Вашего интернет-канала).

Цена: 15.04 $.

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