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Say Goodbye To How I Met Your Mother: The Best Of Barney Stinson!

We will always be… – Robin…Unfinished… It’s only once you’ve stopped that you realize how hard it is to start again, so you force yourself not to want it. But it’s always there. And until you finish it, it will always be Don’t get me wrong, settling down is a challenge – it’s the biggest challenge of your life.

Home – Epictu. Ted Mosby says Marshall Eriksen is his best friend. But Barney Stinson believes he is Ted’s best.

Glamour asked him to devise some plays you can use. You’ll LOL at his suggestions. The play: 1 Dye your hair black and pull it back in a ponytail so tight you could pluck your forehead like a bluegrass banjo. Your face should resemble that of a blow-up sex doll but with emptier eyes. Reasoning: Guys like football. Guys like girls who like football. But guys love girls who own football teams.

The play: 1 Enter a sports bar and find the cutest, most promising guy…or at least a guy who isn’t wearing a jersey with his name on it. Reasoning: Being the “last guy” before a woman declares she’s a lesbian is not an honor. But a guy who successfully “turns” a lesbian’even for a night’would have high schools named after him. The play: 1 In a public setting, hold hands with your female accomplice.

Kate Middleton would erase her own wedding before either of those. Attracts: Men whose values, aspirations, and unique brand of humor blend perfectly with your own. Reasoning: Some men are drawn to women who support, challenge, intrigue, and excite them.

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